  Vinalopó River Banks  
  Elche - Alicante - 2009  
  Ignacio Lliso / Julián Manzano-Monís  
  Competition 2009 - Second Prize  
  Client: Ajuntament d´ELX  
  Situación: Location ..... google maps  
  Elche - Elx - Alicante  
  Colaboradores: Assistants  
  Natasha Koukoula  
  Ángel Manuel Huélamo  
  Iñaki Manchado  
  Paisajismo: Landscape Design  
  Fernando Valero  
  Analyzing Elche´s relationship with Vinalopó River we get a negative but suggestive conclusion: one more city turning back on a natural resource which characterizes and structures it.  
  Elche-Elx is a wonderful palm grove crossed by an abrupt ravine, a garden wounded by a non-water river, an oasis ruptured by a scar which only requires a simple surgery and a lot of love to transform this wound in a wonderful TATTOO.  
  We propose diverse specific interventions, a conducting way, patterns to be progressively developed by phases, sectors or areas, establishing precise objectives.  
  The chance in this Project Competition (Planning and Revitalize Usages in Vinalopó River as it flows through Elche) is obvious, but we assume that intervention should achieve more ambitious objectives, although if they exceed the defined area,  and propose a Set of Ideas for a global intervention, a performance strategy in which the demarcated area in this competition is only a part of a whole.  
  The presentation format will be developed through three levels or strategies: Regional, Urban and Detail. The Competition Proposals subjects are developed by second and third Strategies.